You Live, You Learn!

Monday, April 02, 2007

Suicide attempt

I almost ran someone over at the weekend. I was almost home and this girl was standing on the side of the road by a parked car. I knew she was there and presumed she was waitng till I had gone past to cross the road. I was wrong. She was actualy waiting for me to get close enough so I could run her over without having enough time to stop. She steped out onto the road right infornt of the car and I only just managed to stop in time. It was scary esp coz she stood at the front of my car for a few seconds staring at me. I was mad freaked out.

Its sunny today, I like it. Cant wait until it gets hot and I can jump in the sea. Im not in the mood for work today. Am trying to win these cute as Vans rainers on ebay.

Oh Im going to take snowboarding lessons if anyone wants to join me. Im gona go two Saturdays in May. It costs 11.90 per lesson then you pay a bit extra to get practise sessions.

over and out


At 2:47 PM, Blogger Lurch Kimded said...

"Im not in the mood for work today"

No comment :) ... mainly because I haven't done any work today either (or in the last few days... in fact unless something happens the next day I'm working is Friday) so I can't really talk

Snowboarding sounds cool, but the mental image of me on a small piece of plastic hurling down a people filled slope is one I reserve for the tag-line in a cheesy horror movie.

At 2:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great work.


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