You Live, You Learn!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006


So I was just thinking,
you dont get much blue food.

Monday, January 02, 2006

and what do we get? Bananas!

So im back from deep in elveden forest now. Spent new year at centre parks, had a top time. Feel very fit went on three bike rides a day, did tons of swinmming and played badmington.
Had loadsa time to explore the forest and found much weird stuff. Thanx Dave for calling me a care bear :) I had sunshine bear when I was little.

Got to know Garryls new girlfriend very well on holiday, and it we are soooooo similar its scary. Even our stuff is the same. Last night was so funny, we had a banana fighht which I most definately won, bananas are a great food to fight with. I felt sorry for Gaz coz me and Lou totaly ganged up on him but never mind.

Also me and the kids put on a show for all the adults where they dressed up as all the kids from Charlie and the Chocolate factory and I was the news reporter, it was hilarious unfortunately it was all captured on three video cameras. My niece and nephews are so the coolest btw, they are all so unique and quirky.

Its good to have a whole new year in front of me, God spoke to me about being a new person
this verse is the one that jumped out,

So, thow off your old evil nature and former way of life for it is full of lust and decption, instead there must be a spiritual reNEWal of yout thoughts and attitudes, you must display your NEW nature for you are a NEW person created in GODS LIKENESS, RIGHTOUS, HOLY AND TRUE. WOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Ephesians 4:22-24 (I added the wohooo)

This is my possy btw, my family rock! I know they are quite weird but who isnt?

check my Dads refelctor jacket, cool huh!