You Live, You Learn!

Friday, July 28, 2006

Toilet Brush

So on Sunday I watched this film called the notebook which is soooooo sad. I full on cried. Ever since I feel like i have had an emotional week.

These people came into the sally on Monday, it was clear they were drug users, they seemed confused and disressed, think they were trying to sort out some housing stuff on the phone but clearly didnt understand what the person on the end of the phone was saying.

I watched this short film about a single mum with loads of kids living in some rough conditions. It was all about lonliness and neglect, couldnt get it out of my head. finaly got to sleep but was still thinking about it the next day.

So im at the local recycling point and there is this guy in a car crying, i go over to see if he is ok and he tells me his wife died quite recently. He is quite an old guy and he must have loved her so much. He shows me tons of pics he has of her in his wallet, his car is filled wityh junk food wrappers. She used to do all the cooking, he tells me how lonely he is. He wakes up crying for her. I listened to his story for ages. He gave me a melted crunchie and asked me to go visit him next week. He showed me all his varacous veins and the places he has had blood taken, his arms are totaly brused.
Please paray for him, his name is Jacky.

And finally, the death penalty makes me mad. I hate it. that people have died in so much agaony and people actualy enjoyed watching that. Crikey horror stories must have meant nothing to them. Im so glad Iwasent aroung coz it would have peeeeeed me off so much. I HATE hate! Grrrrrrr bla bla dont know why this makes me angry coz I know its happened and over, but imagine getting your head chopped off for not being able to have kids um duuuuhhhhh grrrrrr. So Edinburgh has this stupid pub called the last drop, outside of which is where loads of people got hung. Um ok, Yeah whatever guys! great name for a pub, um no thanks. I dont want to drink a stupid galss of diet coke in your stupid pub and remember all the people who were in there feeling feer terror panic before they were getting killed, dont really think there is a word described for how you would feel if you knew you were gona be hung in 10 mins. Ok im stressed now, typing at super speed. It just anoys me so much, are people stupid or something.

When I was little I thought I could save the world, so I cant do anything about the last one but how am I supposed to fix the other stuff. The world feels so big, no wonder people live in bubbles coz they dont want to see the crap, who wants to see crap? esp when you cant clean up the crap. Its like looking down the worlds biggest toilet.

God turn me into a giant toilet brush.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Could it be me?

Could it be that Im the one
Who's never listening to the God
Who's ever speaking
Never sleeping
Ever seeking me?

Could it be that my disobiedience
Is the dam that holds the water back
For which I am so thirsty?

I ask myself

Could it be me?

Ronnie Freeman

Monday, July 03, 2006

Have turned into a total

Say what you see

Am now spending hours staring at the tv and am even mesmorized by the Sheila's Wheels advert and hav been singing round the house tons today (badly!!!)
So whats going on Im addicted to lost, big bro and have even been watching tons of ancient catchphrase shows, hence the above pic.

Also I have fallen in love once more with my old friend Mr Hagen who comes to me in Dulce Leche form.

On pile the pounds! Grrrrr