You Live, You Learn!

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Cry Baby

I am officially a cry baby.
this week I have cried twice at Eastenders
and once at drop dead fred, 10 things I hate about you (even though i have seen it a million times before) and family fortunes.
What is going on. my tear ducts are on overload.


At 4:19 PM, Blogger Lurch Kimded said...

Obviously I can't say anything about the hows/whys/whats for you, but I can for me, for if I'm being honest I'll admit that on occasion I too find myself getting a lump in my throat at some things I'm watching. I still can't watch the end scenes in LotR, or the last bit in Blackadder Goes Forth without feeling something.

I don't however think that makes me weird, or somehow abnormal (apart from the normal reasons of what I watch).

I sometimes think that its because what I'm seeing triggers some deep hidden feelings and/or fears.

Or perhaps its nothing more than a deep wanting to relate emotionally to something just to feel normal... okay that last one is probably a bit weird but I have just watched three hours of philosophical science fiction on what does it mean to be human/alive and the nature of reality/existence... boy I know how to have fun on a Saturday night :)

I'll go now... for I think I have probably not helped matters and probably made some people roll their eyes.

At 4:19 AM, Blogger Sam said...

Family fortunes?? was it there outfits? that is the only thing that would make me cry!

you cried watching eastenders last night too so thats three times this week!

oh and i think you cried at Jekll, or was that just a panic attack!

maybe you should stop watching telly pal!


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