You Live, You Learn!

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Rainbow Eater

I have been watching Glastonbury this weekend.Last night was brilliant, I soooo wish I was there. Aparently they are not having Glastonbury next year but the year after I am going for sure.

Also I have just had a very interesting discussion with James. I have discovered that Kat eats mainly white food. Not liking anything with tomatoes in it and not eating any vegetables apart from potatoes kind of cuts out all coloured food. I have discovered that all colours of food can be represented in my diet and this makes mew happy. I am a rainbow eater.

To take this discussion further I asked "If you found someone who had lived on rice/bread and water all their life, blindfolded them and gave them a strawberry would they be able to guess that it was red?" I think yes, I also think they would be able to tell you that peas were green and that peaches were yellow. James disagrees with me and thinks I am stupid for asking such a ridiculous question. Hee Hee, I like winding him up.
What do you think?

Saturday, June 25, 2005

A Discovery

Banoffe pie is so good! Whoever invented this perfect combination of custard, bananas, cream, and toffee deserves a Blue Peter badge
Note to self...
Learn how to make banoffee pie

A very funny day

Well its Saturday again. Had a fun walk to Cramond again. It is officially my most fun place to be. I realise it has almost been a week since I last wrote and its not because nothing has happended. Quite the opposite actually. This week I have moved from a student to a full time youth worker. We Finished uni on Tuesday and had a BBQ which we were about 1 hour late for because a 1/2 hour journey turned into an hour and 1/2 I blame that on Elaine who was unanble to direct us there without going through her home village which was in the oppositedirection. Anyway the journey was fun and company even better. The BBQ was top, it was hot out and I fel totaly relaxed for the first time in a while. James went to the U2 concert and I would have been ;left alone walking the streets of Glassgow if Dave hadnt offered to hang with me. We had so much fun. We got lost in the car and niether of us knew where we were going, it was so funny. one and 1/2 hours later we arrived back at uni. We had a random walk and then went to get pizza. We sat near the till and Dave kept pressing buttons, it was so funny. We also planned a possible baloon thefy scandal. We had another random walk which involved Dave doing a slow motion walk thing in front of a restaurant window. Everyone in the restaurant stopped earting and were staring at Dave, this was also funny. Ever laugh so much it hurts? Ever smile so much your cheeks hurt? Yep it was that kinda day. We went to the cinema to see Mr and Mrs Smith. It was good, it had Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie (im sure her lips keep getting bigger). After the film Davew walked me back to the car and went for his bus. It was the end of 'a very funny day'

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Feeling sad

Ever wish u had never woken up. Its like since you draged yourself out of bed and put your feet on the carpet everything has gone wrong. Yep nice feeling huh!!

Anyway on a happier note, last night was the most fun end to a boring day. Me, Sam, James and Kevin all went for a BBQ on the beach. The food tasted quite bad but it was still so good. I found three crabs and named them Steve, Lucy and Maria. I went to explore and sat on a rock but the tide came in too quickly and I was stranded. My feet were wet and the rocks were slidy. It was a life or death situation, I was terrified. You know who your real friends are in a situation like this. Kevin and Sam decided to throw wet seeweed at me while I was on the rock, It was mean (they both have a terrible aim!!!!) James was the only one who came to my rescue and slowly talked me through the process. I took my life in both hands and steped on I rock that was slightly submerged in water. My foot slipped and I fell in the water. You might sujest I should learn form this experience and not loose myself in explorations and advernturous fantacies again but I say "Bring on the dangerous escapades".

Anyway back to writing crap essays :(

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Top 10 things I want to do today

Im bored today. Saturdays are quite groovy until it gets to about 3:00pm. I definately have a very low boredom threshold.
These are the top 10 things I want to do today

10. Make toffee apples
9. Go Shopping for a brand new warderobe
8. Fly a kite
7. Go canoeng
6. Record a CD of all the songs I have written (all two of them, one of which I wrote last night called HannahBear)
5. Go horseriding in Wales
4. Visit China in a hot air balloon
3. Go on a treasure hunt
2. Build a boat to take me through Niagra Falls
1. Take my pet rabbit for a walk with her brand new lead we bought yesterday

Friday, June 17, 2005

Bad Dream

Ever have dreams where you wake up and it takes a while for you to realise it was not reality. I have literaly just woken up and dreamt that one of the younger girls was standing at the top of a really high building with no barrier (the kind that makes you stomache turn when you look down). Anyway she stood near the edge and everyone was starting at her, of coruse she lost her balence (in slow motion) and began to fall. I grabbd her little sister and started prayng really loud. As she was falling I couldnt wait for her body to hit the ground coz that weould mean the pain would be over and she would be dead. After about 1 minute (I told you it was a high building) Her body splatted on the pavement in front of her family. There was blood averywhere and broken pieces of this girl. Family were screaming and I was trying to pray for them but it wasnt doing any good, I tryed to hug them all but they were pushing me away. All her friends then came and surrounded her body and were using her blood to write messages to the girl who had died. Then the all camped out next to the body using her body parts as pillows.
Is that screwed up or what?

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Happy Thursday

I have just been at placement. It was fun, we had a kids party, its actually quite funny making teenagers play musical statues and pass the parcel. I officially hate the game fluffy bunnies btw, it should be banned!!!
Eleanor (my film buddy) couldnt understand why I loved Kill Bill but hated Sin City. Why is this so hard to comprehend? Kill Bill is unbelievbly tame in comparison, for example there is no castration.
The cute guy Luke was not there tonight, this makes placement not as much fun. It was meant to be my last night 2nite but think I might stay on next year.
Btw Sam and James have been the lazyest people ever today. Im sure James hasent moved from the sofa since 1pm (its now 10:30pm) Im just jealous.
Oh and also I came back to find out our flat window had been smashed by a 6 year old boy (maybe) I dont understand, we live on the top floor. Ah well.Gona go make coffee bye xx

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Hey Blog

Hello Blog. Yipee I finally have one. It shall be full of random rubbish and maybe even something quite profound and intellectual.